Saturday, October 2, 2010

Great Quote!

English proverb
"The soul is healed by being with children."
Especially if they are at the stage where they are most inquisitive, this is when they bring the best out of all humans. Patience, Love, Joy, Peace, and Honesty, and its infinite as long as its passed on. 

Another Great Quote!

"Children are our most valuable natural resource."
Herbert Hoover, 31st U.S. President

Lateley I'v been feeling that this will not be the case. We are having so many of our children being raised in the wrong way. Because our society has thrived on convieniece, our children think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. It seems that they feel that if  a thing is convenient, it was easy to come by. They are failing to realize that whatever it is to them that is a convienence now, was once something that was worked hard and diligently for by someone else. They are not appreciative therefore, the person who did the hard work will have to continue the hard work. Well into their 80's or 90's, because some of the children of today won't be able to continue the legacies. !Praying for Change Tho!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Quote

Sandy Escobido: quote "We as professionals have an  opportunity to shape a child's life for the better".

My Excerpt

One or two quotes or excerpts from writings or speeches of each of the two people you identified for your discussion assisgnment this week.
Samuel J. Meisels, Ph.D.:  quote:   "Risk and Success in Early Childhood"

Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D.:  excerpt from No Single Ingredient
                                                        2020 Vision for the Early Learning Workforce
                                                        Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D.
                                                        Center for the Study of Child Care Employment
                                                        University of California at Berkeley
                                                        Early Learning Tour, Denver, Colorado
                                                        April 26, 2010

Despite the greater variability in the  birth to 5 workforce, both the early learning and k-12 comminities grapple with similar questions about developing strong teachers and ensuring that all children, particularly those most at risk, have access to them.  A review of the evidence for both k-12 and ECE reveals three key ingredients that contribute to effective teaching across all age spans:  First, preparation matters- the content and the method of delivery of the educational program influences how effective teachers will be;
                 Second, support matters- even the best educated and seasoned teachers need ongoing opportunities to continue learning on the job, and
                 Third, reward matters- absent a respectful work environment, and that includes earning a living or professional wage, even the most competent teachers will falter and often
                 leave their jobs or the profession altogether.