Saturday, October 2, 2010

Great Quote!

English proverb
"The soul is healed by being with children."
Especially if they are at the stage where they are most inquisitive, this is when they bring the best out of all humans. Patience, Love, Joy, Peace, and Honesty, and its infinite as long as its passed on. 

Another Great Quote!

"Children are our most valuable natural resource."
Herbert Hoover, 31st U.S. President

Lateley I'v been feeling that this will not be the case. We are having so many of our children being raised in the wrong way. Because our society has thrived on convieniece, our children think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. It seems that they feel that if  a thing is convenient, it was easy to come by. They are failing to realize that whatever it is to them that is a convienence now, was once something that was worked hard and diligently for by someone else. They are not appreciative therefore, the person who did the hard work will have to continue the hard work. Well into their 80's or 90's, because some of the children of today won't be able to continue the legacies. !Praying for Change Tho!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Quote

Sandy Escobido: quote "We as professionals have an  opportunity to shape a child's life for the better".

My Excerpt

One or two quotes or excerpts from writings or speeches of each of the two people you identified for your discussion assisgnment this week.
Samuel J. Meisels, Ph.D.:  quote:   "Risk and Success in Early Childhood"

Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D.:  excerpt from No Single Ingredient
                                                        2020 Vision for the Early Learning Workforce
                                                        Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D.
                                                        Center for the Study of Child Care Employment
                                                        University of California at Berkeley
                                                        Early Learning Tour, Denver, Colorado
                                                        April 26, 2010

Despite the greater variability in the  birth to 5 workforce, both the early learning and k-12 comminities grapple with similar questions about developing strong teachers and ensuring that all children, particularly those most at risk, have access to them.  A review of the evidence for both k-12 and ECE reveals three key ingredients that contribute to effective teaching across all age spans:  First, preparation matters- the content and the method of delivery of the educational program influences how effective teachers will be;
                 Second, support matters- even the best educated and seasoned teachers need ongoing opportunities to continue learning on the job, and
                 Third, reward matters- absent a respectful work environment, and that includes earning a living or professional wage, even the most competent teachers will falter and often
                 leave their jobs or the profession altogether.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Assignment

Hi All,

I was a little confused as to how I should post our assignment therefore, I am reposting. As you will see they will all be posted within one post. Sorry for the confusion.

My Quote

Anonymous"Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate."

*I Like this quote because, there has been someone that I have followed throughout life that has been an inspiration to me. I have mimicked her and she is the reason for some of my successes.

My Favorite Book
' Curious George goes to the Hospital' by Margaret and H.A Rey

Every since I was a child I have always been a fan of the Curious George book series, therefore I make it a point to pass these moral based stories onto my child. I chose this particular story because, as we all know children are curious about any, and everything. Therefore, I used it as a way to get my child to understand that even though some things are pretty or seem as if it should be eaten, that is not always the case. I wanted her to know that she should not place anything into her mouth unless she is specifically told to do so by an adult. Even though George survived his ordeal, things could have been worse. I think she understands the moral of the story, ' never place anything into your mouth, unless told to do so'. (By an adult, that is.)

A Story of a Child

She was a child born to a single mom, she was unwanted before birth and after. Although she was never told that she was unwanted until many years later, she always knew it. Therefore she  felt inadequate, and unimportant. Therefore she shut herself off from everyone, because of this everyone thought she was mean so she was treated as an outcast. She spent a lot of her time alone either watching sports on television or playing alone out of doors. So she was very athletic and could play every sports imaginable. Then came that special person, a 7th grade gym teacher. She happened to be in gym class playing volleyball at the time, and her teacher noticed that she played well, so well that she talked to the schools basketball coach. She asked him to come to watch her play volleyball one day and he did. He also liked the way she played and  knew that with her athleticism she could possibly play basketball. So her teacher had a talk with her, she asked her if she would be interested in playing bsketball for the schools team. Although the girl was excited, she felt that she would never make; that she was not good enough. She had been dealing with a lot of negative feelings, especially the one where she felt unwanted. But she talked to her Mom and eventually joined the team. Because of that one special teacher, she learned to express herself and finally talked to her Mom concerning the issues she had been facing. Her Mom told her that; yes she was unwanted and that although that was the case she was loved. Although it took some time and many talks she and her Mom overcame those issues. Long story short; she made the team and went on to travel throughout the nation as a superb basketball player. However due to her having zeal to follow another path, she ended her basketball career and concentrated on becoming a computer specialist, she now owns her own company called 'PCTEK2'. She now has a five year old nephew that she is teaching all of her basketball skills to. He will someday be a Lebron James type player, because he is almost there. She overcame!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One of my Favorite Quotes

"Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate."

Getting the hang of this!

Hi Everyone, I decided to post a comment particularly because I have  noticed that a few of us are not quite understanding how blogging works. To me blogging is similar to the IM application that Facebook has, except that the application was prepackaged. No having to worry about feedreader, etc., it was already  done. All we had to do was maybe input our name or other identifying information. ( Yea Facebook!!!!!) Well all, as we know nothing thats worth having in this life comes easy. So let's buckle down and get this Masters!!!!!